Friday, February 12, 2016

Penang 3D Trick Art Museum!

I must thank my friends on facebook who initially 'promoted' this place (indirectly of course) by posting interesting pictures taken at the museum.

They are the facebook picture posts that make you ask "where is this place?"

Ever since then I had googled the place and read about the cool pictures that can be taken as if you are part of the scenery, also other tricks which are best left unsaid and explored in person.

I admit it, I'm not a huge fan of travelling. Why? One - it is a very stressful experience. Often time is limited and you have to keep to the schedule or you might miss the flight, the train, the trip, or mess up the schedule.

There is a huge degree of unpredictability, the weather can spoil things by raining when your supposed to visit and walk around the Giant's causeway, there can be huge queues as you wait to enter the Coliseum, there can be delays as you queue to enter EuroDisney, you may not speak the local language and ordered beef which is not halal, then you have to return the food, and so on.

Then, its travelling with kids. Yup, planes get delayed and a friend ran out of diapers, In Malaysia, we have a problem with the public toilets. Let's just say I have a phobia of public toilets although on the one hand, things have most certainly improved much the past 3 decades. I can hold for unprecedented number of hours, but not my kids.

Then last but not least, its the travelling light bit. I'm sort of the person who likes to have everything ready and be prepared for every scenario possible. So yeah, travelling light is a challenge. It's a struggle every time.

I must admit, since Baby came along, I realised we as a family had not had the chance to travel much.

Even though my husband is from Parit Buntar, which is very near Penang, and we visit there minimum twice a year, believe it or not, we only chanced a visit to the 3D Trick Art Museum in January 2016, following my husband on his business trip.

It was the kids first experience (and mine too, I believe).

From outside, it was just a shoplot, which was a bit of a disappointment. We couldnt avoid visiting on a working day because we had to wait until my husband had finished his work. We came late in the afternoon, around 4pm. There is parking in front of the museum, basically similar to parking you would get in front of any shoplot. There is also a parking area which is within walking distance where my husband went after dropping us off.

The ladies at the reception were friendly.

It's RM15 per adult and RM10 per child.

Upon entry, the children got really excited and everyone was like "take my picture, take my picture!"

There were always staff around to help suggest how to take the best pictures, although sometimes I thought it was a bit 'intrusive'.

All in all, the children enjoyed it. We had to leave our drinks outside. At the end, I bought a 'teh ais' from the stall across the road.

Yes, I would recommend this place for a family outing.

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