Thursday, June 13, 2019

Bolehkah Puasa Merawat Kanser

Semalam dapat la mesej dalam whatsapp, berkenaan seorang Prof ni. Kalau tak silap dia menunjukkan dengan berpuasa, cell kanser boleh mati. Begitu lah lebih kurang, takpe nanti saya edit tambah post asal kat sini.

Cuma saya nak share apa kata seorang doktor pakar cancer/oncologist, Dr Mastura, berkenaan post di atas.

"First, kena paham what are the hallmarks of cancer. What causes cancer in the molecular level. Yg xde kat sel beshe beshe.
1. Abnormal excessive growth.
2. Angiogenesis/ suka2 promote formation n pengaliran darah ke dia. Blood carries oxygen and nutrient. Cancers want that to live to grow.
3. Resisting apoptosis or cell death
4. Tissue invasion and ability to metastases
5. altered cellular metabolism
6. Avoiding immune destruction
7. Promotion of inflammatory response
8. Gene instability and prone to mutation
9. Able to evade or avoid anti growth signals from our body
10. Enable cell replication
Immortality means the tumour stem cell yg beranakkan all the cancer cells macam takde due date. Infinite. Immortal.
11. Impaired DNA damage repair process or response to cellular stress
cth BRCA mutation leads to cells yg damaged tak dapat repair dengan baik selepas replication and this damaged ( mutated cell divide pulak giving rise to more damaged daughter cells and so on sampai la kanser terjadi.

Autophagy and apoptosis and DNA damage and repair process tu semua lain. Proses yg lain. Autophagy is reaction
Pada proses biasa2.
Cancer happens over YEARS of multiple factors working together at different timing to cause a SEQUENCE of genetic processes or events that ultimately change a cell or a group of cells into a malignant cells. These are the 10-11 processed kat atas tu.
Autophagy is a miniprocess withn a cell mcm renovate or overhaul one room in a house. The house maybe intact but occasionally the house may collapse klu renovation tu slack. Apoptosis is cell suicide
The cell will go inti selfdeath
The whole house roboh. 
So there.Puasa in a cancer pts do not TREAT the cancer."

"How can it be killed by just a simple process when it took years to form and involve gazillion of processes
It needs drastic measuress"

"One more principle to understand is that each cell goes thru ‘ a cycle of life ‘ called the cell cycle.  If the environment is conducive and they receive a signal to divide/ grow the cell enters the ‘ cycle’- goes thru the phases of synthesising the DNA( duplicating) and then mitosis into two daughter cells .
Kalau the environment is hostile - theu go on this resting phase of duduk dormant mcm hibernate dlm igloo. Dia hidup tak mati. Survive under the radar.
So masa tu FASTING 10 thn pun tak kacau dia"

Of course ada. By knowing what causes the anti apoptosis by THIS particular cancer cos they are NOT THE SAME

The last 2 decades have seen an explosion of molecular undertanding of processes underlying cancer and how we can tackle it to fight cancer

So from 1-11 kat atas tu i bagi contoh yg dah established as treatment
1. Anti growth targeted therapy
Mcm iressa , tagrisso in lung cancer
Herceptin in breast cancer
Glivec in GIST and CML
Cetuximab in colon cancer

Byk lagi

2. Antiangiogenic agent
Avastin in colorectal cancer
Sutent in kidney cancer
Sorafenib in HCC

5. metabolism - afinitor in breast , kidney ca
radium 223 in bone metastases by mimicking calcium metabolism in  bones

6. Immunotherapy mcm keytruda, opdivo

8. olaparib in BRCA nutated ovarian cancer

10. CAR-T in lymphoma/ leukemia and Sipeulecel T in prostate ca

For example
My pt nama X.
Nakcik ada relapsed triple  negative breast cancer. Relapse kat tulang dada and lungs
I enrolled her into our KEYNOTE 355 clinical trial giving chemo plus immunotherapy keytruda in 2016.
She had one year plus treatment every 3 weeks and by 7 months treatment al tumours were gone.
past 1.5 years dia dah stop treatmnt pasal dia tak larat tapi since dia dlm trial we all kena rerus menerus buat 3-6 monthly scan.
So far walau takde treatment dah her cancer remains gone. That shows that the keytruda has evoked her immune system yg selama ni ditidokan or disenyapkan oleh cancer ( our immune system is SUPPOSED to fight tumours) and walau keytruda dah stop tapi her immune system remains awake and is doing its job

Katalah makcik bukan dlm trial we all and the past 1.5 years makcik  makan daun tupai monroe ke pucuk keladi ke- orang akan cakap keladi yg cure dia"

That was 2008.
masa tu kat mesia ada 4 je targeted therapy
Rituximab for lymphoma
Glivec for CML
Herceptin breast ca
Iressa for lung

Yes kan i kata tadi one hallmark of cancer is evasion of immune mechanism
Ini lah dia
Our body mmg ada established immune response utk guard us against germs foreign body , as well as against damaged cells, and cancer cells
Tapi ada process la mcm  immune cell kena recognise this cancer cell as ‘enemy’. Kata la cara kenal is immune cell ada tanduk dan dia kena hook tanduk kat enemy cells baru boleh matikan dia. Tapi cancer cell pandai duck / elak dr kena tanduk
Dia selimutkan tanduk pulak dah
So immunotherapy drugs berfungsi utk tarik selimut tu- sepak terajang immune cells ni  kasi dia bangun and jalan kan keja dia bunuh the cancer cells

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