Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Palestine Israel Conflict Myths Debunked

Miko Peled's speech, please watch the video here.

Dispelling myths regarding the Palestine and Israel conflict

  • Myth No.1: The right of return of Jews

The Jews here are not the same people who were expelled thousands of years ago

  • The right of return of Palestinians

Are people who actually used to live in Palestine

  • Myth No.2: The ancient kingdom of David

To prove it, a community of 50,000 Palestinians have been terrorised and removed from their homes


In 1947 when the conflict began

Two communities 

Jewish community a bit less than half a million

Palestinian Arab community 1.5 people 

Both expecting to become a state

UN gave the larger area to the Jews and the smaller area to the Palestinians, the larger community

  • Myth No 3: Arab communities did not accept UN decision in 1947
Ethnic cleansing 1947-1948

Zionist had force 40,000 military men

Palestinians have never had a military force

Arab armies did not enter the war until May 1948, ethnic cleansing had taken place already

Within a 12 month period displaced 1 million people

To be continued

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