Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Kerjaya Engineer Vs Actuarist


kawan2 nak tanya
Since group ni banyak engineers

environmental engineering ni
good future tak


I would suggest to go for traditional engineering courses like mechanical, computer, civil etc which are not tied up to any field - i.e. More generic. Environmental engineering ni i dunno under eac atau tidak.. Eac is engineering professional body


actuarial science: Dat would be interesting... Tak ramai in malaysia... If u r good, bleh join BNM


But then again actuarial science dgn engineering mcm langit dgn bumi.. Kena tanya candidate tu minat apa... We hv some yg half hearted - - end up mosly flop

kalau memang good at maths


maybe can explain a bit on the difference between actuarial science & engineering


actuarial ni maths la kan? probability + modelling etc (maths & statistics)

Engineering ni ada practical work.. Study pun byk laboratory work.. Not theoretical semata2...

It is mostly men's things.. Skg dah ramai skit pompuan, dulu lelaki dominant

Kalau suka physics and maths bleh lah engineering

Kalau suka perakaunan ambiklah accounting atau actuarial science

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