Friday, October 30, 2020

Reng College, A Social Enterprise

Alhamdulillah pagi ni ada peluang nak blog...

Nak clear whatsapp memang banyak info berguna, nak save di blog dahulu.

Ni dari seorang kawan. Mana la tau ada yang berminat nak sambung belajar tapi kekurangan dana, boleh la cuba Reng College.

"RENG College is offering diploma courses in Business, Architecture, Interior Design and Creative Design at very low cost. We are a social enterprise and seldom reject students. Scholarships are also available. Interested students can contact me".

Sesiapa nak maklumat lanjut boleh hubungi:

Mallika +60 12-453 5831


Andrew +60 12-668 1738

(If share on FB or WA, better to contact these two people. They are from the marketing side).

"Website Address :

Facebook Address :"

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