Cuti sekolah, mak pulak yang sibuk. Maklum la, balik kampung ke PJ. Lama dah tak jumpa sedara-mara sini. Ada pula yang kurang sihat, sampai tak sempat nak blog.
Ingatkan masa cuti la boleh blog banyak2. Takpe.
Semalam ada orang tanya tentang anak dia. Doktor kata anak dia kena kurangkan berat badan. Umur tadika, belum lagi masuk sekolah rendah.
Saya pun terus terang bukan pakar kanak2. Jadi saya bagi tips secara am saja, jaga pemakanan, kurangkan makanan yang manis dan junk food. Kurangkan fast food. Makan lebih sayur dan buah. Bersenam.
Lepas tu bila ada masa sikit google cari website yang menarik. Seperti biasa, dalam bahasa Melayu takde artikel dari university, hospital ataupun NGO. Semuanya blog yang menjual supplemen.
Jadi saya pilih untuk terjemah artikel dari WebMD bertajuk
“Children have their own set of nutritional needs for healthy growth and development,” says Tamara Melton, a dietitian and instructor at Georgia State University.
The best way to help a child lose weight? Work with his pediatrician to make sure that he slims down in a safe way. But you can also think about these simple steps to help your child -- and the whole family -- live a healthier, fitter lifestyle.
1. Find the right weight goal. Many younger children shouldn’t actually shed pounds. “Since they’re still growing, they may need to maintain their weight or gain at a slower rate,” Melton says. Older teenagers may be able to lose a half a pound to 2 pounds a week. Your child’s doctor can let you know what you should aim for.
2.Say “no” to diets and supplements. Your first impulse may be to put your child on a diet. But unless her pediatrician recommends it, avoid these kinds of major calorie-cutting plans. They may mean she won’t get the nutrients and calories she needs to grow. Plus, many diets may teach your child that certain items are “bad” or off-limits, which can change how she sees food later in life.
Weight loss drugs or supplements aren’t a good idea either (except when the doctor prescribes them). There’s little or no research on how these pills affect children, so they may not be safe.
3. Get the rest of the family on board. Instead of singling out your child, have a conversation with the whole family about how you’d like to make healthy changes for everyone, including yourself.
“Kids learn their habits from their parents,” Melton says. So it’s important to lead by example. One study found that children were much more likely to lose weight when their parents also slimmed down".
Baby dah bangun, ok akan bersambung insya Allah.
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