Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adakah Vaksin Selamat...Cara Menganalisa Sumber Rujukan

Hari ni niat nak blog sikit tentang vaksin.

Jadi saya google "Adakah vaksin selamat" dan alangkah terkejutnya...sebenarnya takde terkejut sangat. Sekarang baru saya faham macam mana maklumat yang salah boleh tersebar luas.

Ok, link pertama ialah dari blog Dr Zubaidi, bertajuk "selamatkah vaksin untuk bayi kita?". Terima kasih Dr Zubaidi kerana menulis dengan terperinci tentang keselamatan vaksin.

Saya tak kenal Dr Zubaidi Haji Ahmad secara peribadi. Macam mana saya nak tau yang dia ni betul2 doktor bertauliah? Kat sini saya bagi tips kepada para pembaca. Boleh pergi ke website Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) dan Search for Registered Doctors, atau klik di sini untuk check sama ada seseorang itu betul2 doktor bertauliah di Malaysia.

Saya dah check, memang betul ada Dr Zubaidi Ahmad dalam MMC register.

Itu salah satu cara kita nak mengesahkan sumber maklumat, sebab ingat, sesiapa saja boleh menulis apa2 saja dalam internet ni. Adakah kita akan percaya bulat2 kepada orang yang kita tak kenal, tak tahu apa latar belakang orang tersebut, dan kenapa mereka menulis?

Minta maaf, saya seorang yang sangat skeptikal dan tidak mudah percaya apa2 berita sekali pun.

Dalam Al-Quran pun sangat2 menekankan bukti, contoh bila nak tuduh orang berzina pun kena bawa empat orang saksi, surah 24:4.

Quran 24:4

Quran 24:4 sambungan
Sekurang2 nya saya tahu Dr Zubaidi tu doktor perubatan bertauliah. Maka saya boleh terima pendapatnya tentang keselamatan vaksin.

Link yang kedua, saya agak terkejut lah. Tajuk blog post "Bahaya Suntikan Vaksin dan Imunisasi".

Hmmm....macam mana ya, saya google "adakah vaksin selamat" keluar pulak "bahaya vaksin". Hebat 'search engine optimization (SEO)' "Minda Ahad" ni.

Ok takpe. Takde masalah. Sebab saya nak cari kebenaran. Saya nak cari bukti. Buat SEO sehebat mana pun, yang benar tetap akan benar.

Pertama sekali saya nak terus terang, memang saya kagum dengan penulis blog '***** ****' ni. Blog post nya tentang bahaya vaksin sangat panjang dan sangat terperinci. Saya pun as a blogger, very impressed sebab bukan senang nak hasilkan blog macam ni.

Tetapi, check punya check, tak dapat nak pastikan, siapa sebenarnya penulis ***** **** ni. 

So, boleh percaya ke apa yang dia tulis? Orang tepi jalan bagi nasihat tentang keselamatan vaksin, dia ni doktor ke, pensyarah ke, macam mana dia tau? Ke dia main copy paste je maklumat yang dia baca dari sumber yang entah betul, entah tak. 

Ok takpe. 

Sumber tidak dapat dipastikan.

Langkah kedua, saya baca blog post dia pulak.

Nampaknya perbahasan utama dia, "imunisasi: satu konspirasi".

Saya google maksud konspirasi, adalah komplot. Ok. Saya doktor perubatan, komplot ni bukan lah kepakaran saya. Tapi saya ada buat perbahasan secara logik tentang hujah "vaksin adalah konspirasi zionis". Kalau nak baca, boleh klik di sini.

Saya baca lagi, perbahasan dia yang kedua, "Apa kata para akademik tentang vaksinasi".

Panjang nya.

Saya tertarik kepada ayat tersebut..."Ketika vaksin dikatakan selamat....Dr Harris Coulter, pakar vaksin". Wow, pakar vaksin? Istilah baru ni. Tak pernah saya dengar pakar perubatan pakar vaksin. 

Saya pun google Harris Coulter.

Sampai la ke suatu artikel yang di tulis oleh rakan seperjuangan dan juga co-author (penulis bersama buku) Barbara Loe Fisher, yang bertajuk "Harris Coulter was a brave visionary". Kalau nak terjemah, lebih kurang Harris Coulter ni seorang yang berpandangan jauh. 

Saya tak berapa percayalah dengan "National Vaccine Information Center" setelah membaca sejarah penubuhannya, tapi takpe, itu kurang relevan.

Jom tengok CV atau curriculum vitae Harris Coulter ni, seorang yang dikatakan "pakar vaksin" oleh blog ***** ****.

"Harris Coulter, PhD
October 8, 1932  -  October 28, 2009
Harris Livermore Coulter, PhD, born in Baltimore MD on October 8, 1932 died on October 28, 2009 in Washington, D.C. after a long illness following a stroke in 1997.
The co-author of DPT: A Shot in the Dark in 1985 and author of Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: A Medical Assault on the American Brain in 1990, Dr. Coulter attended Milton Academy and graduated Yale University with a BA degree in Russian Studies. He earned a masters degree in political science and a doctorate in philosophy from Columbia University. He worked for the State Department and United Nations as an English/Russian interpreter and authored nine books on medical history.
He is survived by his sons, Andrew and Alex and by his daughters, Elizabeth and Marian".

  • Ok, dia ada Bachelor of Arts in Russian studies. Yang saya pasti itu bukan ilmu perubatan.
  • Lepas tu dia ada master degree political science. Ok, itu pun bukan ilmu perubatan.
  • Dia a doctorate philosophy. Maaf ya, itu pun bukan ilmu perubatan.
  • Dia menulis 9 buku tentang sejarah perubatan. Maaf ya, itu pun bukan ilmu perubatan. Ilmu perubatan yang dipelajari para doktor adalah sains perubatan, bukan sejarah perubatan.

Macam mana saya nak terima dia sebagai "pakar vaksin" sedangkan dia bukan seorang doktor perubatan dan tak ada apa2 kepakaran dalam bidang perubatan mahupun allied science (sains kesihatan).

CV nya disambung dengan...

"Curriculum Vitae for Harris Coulter, PhD
  1.  June 1997 - Paris, France - Meetings with Dr. Jacques Benveniste on writing a history of his discovery of the "memory of water."
  2. January 1997 - Lectured to homeopathic and other physicians specializing in alternative medicine in Berlin, Germany, Moscow, Russia and London, UK.
  3. October 1996 - Lectured on cancer immunotherapy at the 51st Annual Conference of the World Homeopathic League (LIGA) in Capri, Italy and at the Third Dead Sea Conference on Potentiating Health and the Crisis of the Immune System in Zichron Yaacov, Israel. Guest Lecturer at the Convention of the Romanian Homoeopathic Society in Bucharest, Romania.
  4. November 1995 - Lectured on medical and homeopathic history at Centre de Techniques Homeopathiques, Montreal, Canada (lectures published by the Centre under the title: Histoire de l'Homeopathie).
  5. October 1995 - Lectured at 50th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League (Oaxaca, Mexico) on dangers of childhood vaccinations.
  6. September 1995 - Lectured at Conference on Genetic Causes of Violence (University of Maryland) on childhood vaccinations as a cause of violent behavior.
  7. February 1995 - Spoke at 49th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League (New Delhi, India), and to homeopathic physicians in Calcutta, India, on 'Vitalism and the Future of Medicine.'
  8. December 1994 - Published: Divided Legacy. Volume IV. Twentieth Century Medicine: The Bacteriological Era.
  9. April 1994 - Lectured at 150th Anniversary meeting of The American Institute of Homeopathy on: 'American Medicine, Where We've Been and Where We're Going.'
  10. September-October 1993 - Ad Hoc Advisory Panel of the Office of Alternative Medicine. Worked with Office of Alternative Medicine supervising trial of shark cartilage in treatment of cancer.
  11. May 1993 - Honorary member of the 'Syndicat Professionel des Homeopathes du Quebec'.
  12. September 1992 - Pharmacological and Biological Treatments Panel Member on the NIH's Workshop on Alternative Medicine. The report published was Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons, also known as the Chantilly Report.
  13. September 1992 - Lectured at the Fifth International Conference on Neuro-Developmental Issues (Cherry Hill, New Jersey) on the post-encephalitic syndrome.
  14. March 1992 - Lectured at Fourth European Conference on Neuro-Developmental Delay (Chester, England) on the post-encephalitic syndrome.
  15. 1990-96 - Advisory board of the Cancer Chronicles.
  16. 1990-91 - Board of Directors, International Foundation for Homeopathy.
  17. 1990 - Published The Controlled Clinical Trial: An Analysis
  18. 1990 – Published Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain.
  19. May 1990 - Lectured at 45th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League, Barcelona, Spain, on dangers of childhood vaccinations. Awarded the Centenary Gold Medal of the Academica Medico-Homeopatica de Barcelona.
  20. 1990-96 - Lectured in France, Norway, Brazil, and Russia on homeopathic, vaccination, and medical history issues.
  21. 1988 - Testified before House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor: on AIDS and Syphilis: the Hidden Link.
  22. 1987 - Published AIDS and Syphilis: the Hidden Link.
  23. 1985 - Published with Barbara Loe Fisher: DPT: A Shot in the Dark.
  24. 1985 - Awarded the Hahnemann Prize of the Belgian Faculty of Homeopathy.
  25. 1983-89 - Editorial board of the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
  26. 1987 - Lectured at 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, Arlington, Virginia: 'DPT Vaccine. The DPT Shot and Public Health.'
  27. 1983-96 - Honorary member of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
  28. 1981-82 - Vice President of the American Center for Homeopathy and editor of The American Homeopath; Secretary of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention. Organized homeopathic summer programs in Melbourne, Florida, and Scottsdale, Arizona.
  29. 1981 - Published Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine.
  30. 1980 - Lectured to 35th Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, Acapulco, Mexico: 'Hahnemannian Homeopathy and Revisionism.'
  31. 1977 - Published: Divided Legacy. Volume II. The Origins of Modern Western Medicine: J. B. Van Helmont to Claude Bernard.
  32. 1975 - Published Divided Legacy. Volume I. The Patterns Emerge: Hippocrates to Paracelsus.
  33. May-June 1974 - 39th Congress of the International Homoeopathic Medical League, Washington, D.C. George Vithoulkas and Harris L. Coulter honored as writers on homeopathy.
  34. 1973 - Published Divided Legacy. Volume III. The Conflict Between homeopathy and the American Medical Association, and Homeopathic Influences in Nineteenth-Century Allopathic Therapeutics.
  35. 1972 - Published: Homeopathic Medicine.
  36. July 1969 - Awarded degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) by Columbia University, NY; dissertation title: Political and Social Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Medicine in the United States: The Formation of the American Medical Association and its Struggle with the Homeopathic and Eclectic Physicians.
  37. 1965-75 - Director of Publications, American Foundation for Homeopathy.
  38. 1961 - Awarded M.A. by Columbia University, NY (Political Science).
  39. 1954 - Awarded B.A. by Yale University, CT (Russian Area Studies).
Languages: German, French, Spanish, Latin, Russian, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian".

Banyak ye, tapi takde satu pun syarahan nya tentang ilmu dan sains perubatan. Homeopati itu bukan sains perubatan.

Dengan sebab ni, saya tak dapat terima apa2 maklumat lain yang ditulis oleh blog ***** **** tentang vaksin.

Itu saja perkongsian hari ni. Harap bermanfaat. 

Fikir2kan lah. Buat kajian sendiri.

Hari ni, 13 Mei 2016, beberapa hari selepas blog ni ditulis, saya buat keputusan untuk edit dan buang nama blog tersebut. Blog mana, tak penting. Mungkin ada banyak lagi blog lain yang menggunakan hujah yang sama. Yang penting, fakta yang dibentangkan oleh mana2 blog. Kita nak cari kebenaran. Terima kasih atas feedback yang diberi. Semoga semua amalan kita diterima oleh Allah.

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