Friday, May 6, 2016

Diet Untuk Elak Diabetes: Nasi Putih

Alhamdullillah baby dah tidur. Boleh la blog sikit tentang artikel yang share di facebook hari ni.

Gambar hiasan: Makan malam saya hari ni.

Tajuk artikel Straits Times Singapore ialah "Diabetes: Nasi yang dimakan adalah lebih teruk dari minuman bergula", boleh baca artikel dalam Bahasa Inggeris tu di sini.

Ini diikuti dengan perbincangan yang menarik yang saya post dan harap dapat kupas di sini:

Wan Maziah Wan Mohamed I do agree that carbs are culprits for diabetes but I do not think white rice on its own is worse than the sodas. There should be real evidence comparing white rice with sodas without other lifestyle confounding factors.
LikeReply411 hrs
Azura Aslar Agree. I dont think consume it in moderation can cause harmful effect.
LikeReply10 hrs
Mazlyn Mustapha

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Lisa Shah Saidin Can't wait for ur explanations
LikeReply11 hrs
Vincent Wong White Rice is pure carbohydrates i.e. Sugar. It is as bad as Soda. Soda has about 7 teaspoon of sugar per 325ml. A bowl of white rice is about 5 teaspoon of sugar. But not all white rice is equal- Basmathi Par-boil white rice has a lot lower carbo content almost as good as brown rice. If you really need eat white rice -- go for basmathi par-boiled - its expensive but worth it.
LikeReply110 hrs
May Kim Or mixed with ponni rice with flaxseed and chiaseed ..truly awesome great nutritions
LikeReply210 hrs
Mazlyn Mustapha

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Zul Helme While we're on the subject of carbs, is it true that potatoes are a better source of carbs than rice? Back when I was freelancing, I had a very poor diet (in my view) of instant noodles (mee sedap), but I've always added lots of potatoes and eggs with it (the instant noodle was for flavoring).

Now I'm eating properly (living with friends so proper home-cooked meals), but it feels like I have less energy than when I was eating the potatoes (especially since I play tennis, I get tired a lot quicker than usual).

LikeReply110 hrs
Vincent Wong Potatoes are a good source and has more fiber content compared to rice. Sweet potatoes are even better due to high content of fiber. Too much carbs will lead to high blood sugar which might trigger insulin resistance which then leads to the point of no return (diabetes type II). More importantly if you consume lots of carbs, if you can't reduce you need to increase your exercise level to burn those calories (blood sugar). Unprocessed blood sugar will turn into Triglycerides (blood fat) which will mess up your overall Cholesterol - prolong condition leads to clogging your arteries then becomes heart disease.
LikeReply110 hrs
Vincent Wong And once you are diabetic ... you can't get insurance. Because diabetes is the root of all diseases. So don't eat too much rice. I know its tough in Malaysia because everything is rice or noodles (processed rice).
LikeReply10 hrs
Zul Helme I know this a bit of a cliche, but I'm a skinny 165cm dude weighing around 50kg or so. Never had any trouble being overweight (tried my bit at weight-gaining, no luck), but had a medical checkup a few years ago and doctors said I had unusually low blood pressure (which explain a few fainting/blackout spells in the past).

Suppose I'm still at risk for clogged arteries if I consume carbs a bit more (as much as the average person anyways)?

LikeReply10 hrs
Vincent Wong I am diabetic and skinny too. Diabetic does not automatically mean fat. Low blood pressure and thick blood may be a genetic predisposition. How would you know? Do a comprehensive blood test ... if your blood is thick you might need blood thinners....See More
LikeReply10 hrs
Zul Helme Seems I might need a more thorough medical checkup (late 20s but my body feels a bit creaky). Thanks for the clarification, its been quite helpful (and it feels too minor an issue to go bother a doctor with).
LikeReply9 hrs
Vincent Wong Zul Helme Don't think that .. a GP or physician will always welcome a patient whether healthy or sick. Go tell your regular doctor about your concern and if he/she says nothing to worry ... then okay.
LikeReply18 hrs
Mazlyn Mustapha

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Asiah Abu Bakar Dgr talk pakar..nasi tak pa dgn kuantiti yg berpatutan..tapi jgn direct ambik air soda atau air manisan lain.Boleh dr explain beza basmathi dgn beras perang yg mana lebih elok..Mazlyn Mustapha
LikeReply10 hrs
Jellene Eva i think we know by now that we need to take western scientist's words with a whole bag of salt. first they say nasi lemak is a superfood, now they say white rice (which is a main element in nasi lemak) is dangerous. I'm sure there is a political/commercial force behind this statement.
LikeReply110 hrs
Vincent Wong Superfood term is just being "politically correct". I would try not to eat nasi lemak everyday if possible maybe once or twice per week only. Takes a bit of will power initially, now i can go 1 week without rice ... eating other food, wheat based noodles and more "salads".
LikeReply8 hrs
Mazlyn Mustapha

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Ahmad Kamal Salleh For me raw water is better than air gas
LikeReply18 hrs
Ghazari Baharom Malaysian gonna eat rice like they gone work at the sawah bendang & contruction site. That whats wrong.
LikeReply18 hrs
Rizalina Bahari Nutritional content of white basmathi
LikeReply5 hrs
Rizalina Bahari And brown basmathi

Kandungan beras basmati perang

Sebelum tu, saya nak terjemah point2 utama dari artikel tersebut:
  1. Dalam melawan diabetes, nasi telah dikenal-pasti sebagai salah satu penyebab utama. Ia lebih merbahaya berbanding minum air bergas.
  2. Obesiti (lebih berat badan) dan minuman bergula adalah penyebab utama di negara2 Barat.
  3. Orang Asia mempunyai risiko diabetes lebih tinggi berbanding orang putih, jadi, orang Asia tidak perlu obes untuk ada risiko yang tinggi. 
  4. Makan nasi putih pula akan menyebabkan badan terlebih gula dan meningkatkan risiko diabetes.
  5. Kajian oleh Harvard yang diterbitkan oleh British Medical Journal menunjukkan setiap pinggan nasi yang dimakan setiap hari secara berterusan meningkatkan risiko diabetes sebanyak 11% berbanding populasi keseluruhan.
  6. Satu mangkuk nasi mempunyai kandungan karbohidrat sama banyak dalam dua tin air gas.
  7. Disyorkan menukar 20% nasi putih dengan brown rice atau nasi perang mengurangkan risiko diabetes sebanyak 16%.
  8. Tip: Rendam nasi perang selama 15 minit sebelum masak dengan nasi putih.
  9. Berjalan sebanyak 15 minit setiap hari (2000 langkah) mengurangkan risiko mati dari diabetes sebanyak 4%.
  10. Orang Asia pula makan nasi empat kali sehari sementara orang putih hanya makan nasi 5 kali seminggu.
  11. Kita digalakkan makan jenis nasi yang lebih menyihatkan. 
  12. Beras long grain (panjang) lebih baik dari beras short grain (pendek) kerana ia kurang menyebabkan gula dalam darah naik secara mendadak yang akan meransang insulin dihasilkan dari pankreas. Gula tinggi mendadak yang kerap akan menyebab berlakunya diabetes.
  13. Kos merawat diabetes di Singapore yang ditanggung kerajaan adalah $1 billion setahun.
  14. Diabetes penyebab utama buta, kegagalan buah pinggang dan kaki di potong di Singapura.
  15. Doktor pakar diabetes menasihatkan orang ramai supaya mengurangkan pengambilan nasi, makanan rapu dan minuman bergas. 
Kupasan komen rakan2 pula:

  • Tidak adil membandingkan nasi dengan minuman bergas sebab tak ada orang yang minum air gas sebagai pengganti nasi: ya, saya setuju.
  • Nasi putih basmathi kurang kandungan karbohidrat dan hampir sebaik nasi perang. Nasi basmathi par-boiled adalah mahal tapi berbaloi - sila lihat komen dibawah "Mana lagi baik, nasi perang atau nasi basmathi?"
  • Cadangan makan nasi campur chiaseed atau flaxseed - ni pun kena kaji dulu baru boleh komen.
  • Makan nasi ok jika kuantiti berpatutan dan jangan minum dengan air manis. Ya, saya setuju, boleh refer artikel di atas "Potatoes vs Rice" di hujung artikel ada kupas tentang kuantiti pemakanan dan risiko diabetes.
  • Mana lagi baik, nasi perang atau nasi basmathi? Kalau tengok website ni (dalam bahasa Inggeris) Basmati vs. Brown rice, boleh klik sini untuk baca lanjut, nasi perang adalah yang terbaik, nasi putih basmati sedap tapi kurang khasiat. Nasi perang dan nasi2 berwarna yang lain adalah 'whole grain'. Basmati putih telah diproses dan kurang khasiat. Walaupun nasi perang tidak banyak serat, ia masih ada khasiat 'whole grain' iaitu bran, germ dan endosperm, yang memberikan khasiat. 'Whole-grain' basmati perang adalah pilihan yang enak.
  • Air kosong lagi baik dari air gas: ya, yang ni memang setuju.
  • Makan nasi ok tapi masalahnya kurang bersenam. Saya rasa dua2 penting, kena kurangkan nasi putih dan lebihkan senaman.
Itu sahaja perkongsian malam ni. Moga bermanfaat.

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