Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pendidikan Seks Untuk Anak-anak

Pendapat peribadi saya tentang pendidikan seks untuk anak-anak zaman sekarang adalah sangat perlu, dan ibubapa merupakan antara 'cikgu' atau guru yang terbaik untuk 'mengajar' subjek ini.

  • *Intellectual conversations*Child: Mummy, what does 'pregnant' mean? Mummy: (Jaw dropped and paled for a few seconds thinking, "and the moment has finally arrived", where are my notes again?! After a few seconds of awkward silence and regaining of composure)...That just means there are babies in the mummy's tummy.Child: How do we know if the mummy hamster is pregnant? Mummy: (Phew, wiping forehead...)...That's easy, just look at the tummy and see if the hamster is getting fat.Child: Is fat the same as pregnant? Mummy: Of course not, fat means the whole hamster is big, pregnant means only the tummy is big. *God I hope this is right. Better change the topic NOW*.

    • Cik Pinat Yang Penat Hahaha.. kids and their mind boggling questions...

    • Ima Suhaili Good mummy...

    • Farrah Fadil Hahaha... super duper funny!

    • Mohd Bell Haha ! Pregnancy ed from obs dr to her 6 y.o. I just show her pictures from my embryology book.. Got sperm goes into eggs then slowly become baby in uterus. She now know baby never in the tummy but uterus.. Why is it again only girls get pregnant ?
      Daughter: because only girls got uterus!
      Dad : so How not to get Pregnant ?
      Daughter : stay away from those sperms

      There u go straight up!!!

    • Mohd Bell That started when she knew she was from c section then ? Why other baby did not have c-s. how do they come out.. Also got to explain when she why dr like me cut someone tummy.. ? The food going to come out then? So in my head this is getting to complicated subsequently I decided hmmmm let's go and learn some anatomy and physiology ..Then when it's start to be OD of info she stop asking !! Wuhoo success!
    • Neurule Somme-Yong Abdul Jalal Yup. Mohd Bell is right about that. The simpler you make it the more questions they have. So now when my kids ask me questions I just give them an adult version of explanation. And the questions stops kinda fast on some topics hehe
    • Mazlyn Mustapha Same, I got a straight forward answer from my mum, I still remember it today

    • Nor Hafizi Mohd Nasir i dont remember asking this question when i was a kid..
    • Michael Khaw Kids learn things fast. They are curious in almost everything. They need proper guidiance to follow the right path.
    • Azlindarita Aisyah Mohd Abdullah My nightmare. My girls know about childbirth already but not how the baby gets into the uterus
    • Nurainun Baniyamin thanx Mazlyn, for open up the topic, I always been ask the question too...hmm, now will use Bell's answer...

    • Ronnin Koh OOps ,I thought this is what we call providing wrong meaning or information which the child needs to correct in later stage .!

    • Rizalina Bahari does baby get in mummy's tummy eh.? Err can I use Allah put it there line for now?
    • Elsa Haniffah Mejia Mohamed hahaha! my daughter actually thought out loud after an explanation of pregnancy which began with fertilization of the ovum 'hmmm i wonder how the sperm got there...?" mummy expertly ignored the question, of course, and was immensely relieved when the subject was not further pursued
    • Nora NorhAyu Zainudin Hah now I remember how my twins learned the words scrotum! It all started from this kind of conversation! First they learned uterus as special pot only in the females then the sperm bits which led to scrotum which they fell in love absolutely the first moment they heard it and repeated so they memorised it between hysteria of laughter! Then they asked me how the sperms get to the uterus that was when I paused for 2 seconds and said in a tone of voice that concluded this conversation was ending right after this sentence. will learn that when you are old enough and mature enough to handle this kind of information. .....hows that sound Mohd Bell?

    Macam ni lah reaksi kebanyakkan ibu bapa bila ditanya oleh anak-anak tentang mengandung, bayi datang dari mana dan sebagainya. Kebanyakkan kita segan silu, cuba untuk mengelakkan perbincangan tersebut dan memberi jawapan samar-samar.
  • Lama juga saya menunggu selepas tu untuk anak tanya, tapi mereka tak tanya pun. Maka satu ketika umur anak-anak antara 10-12 tahun, saya duduk-kan mereka dan mula bercerita tentang bagaimana bayi terhasil. Saya menggunakan bahasa yang mudah yang mereka fahami. Mengapa saya berbuat demikian? Sebab pandangan peribadi, anak-anak perlu tahu, perlu ada ilmu tentang hubungan seksual antara lelaki dan perempuan, tapi tidak lah detail mana. Saya menerangkan tentang sperma dan ovum atau telur, uterus atau rahim wanita. Lagi satu sebab saya rasa lebih baik beritahu dari mereka bertanya contoh dikhalayak ramai atau pada masa yang kurang sesuai untuk kita jelaskan, atau kita sendiri belum bersedia untuk menerangkan.
  • Bila umur anak-anak meningkat remaja boleh la kita ceritakan tentang kaedah merancang keluarga, penyakit yang berjangkit melalui hubungan seks, jenayah seperti rogol, sumbang mahram dan lain-lain yang berkaitan. Saya sering menggunakan berita atau isu semasa sebagai "pembuka" topik dan perbincangan.
  • Pandangan peribadi saya, ibubapa adalah sumber maklumat terbaik tentang ilmu dan pendidikan seksual. Kita mahu anak bertanya kepada kita dari orang lain, dan biarlah mereka mendapat maklumat yang tepat. 
  • Untuk anak-anak yang masih kecil contoh baru belajar bercakap, yang terbaik adalah untuk mengajar mereka tentang "sentuhan selamat" dan "sentuhan tidak selamat".
Harap penulisan ini membantu...

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